H.E. Dr. Ola Awad

President of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) (2009-present) and Former President of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS) (2013 -2017). Internationally, she was a council member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) (2017-2019). She represents the 8Arab region in the High-level group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG-SDGs). She is a permanent member of the Women’s Committee of the International Statistics Institute (ISI) in addition to her membership in the ASPEN’s Middle Leadership Initiative. Regionally, she is a Board member of many institutions such as the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries, the Arab Institute for Research and Training in Statistics, the Union of Arab Statisticians, the Permanent Executive Committee of Statistics in the Secretariat General of the Arab League. Nationally, Dr. Awad is the Secretary General of the Palestinian Statistical Advisory Council, and Board Member of many institutions such as: MAS, the Palestinian Supreme Council of Youth and Sports, Yasser Arafat Foundation, Chairperson of the Arafat Award for Achievement Committee.
She holds a PhD in Business Administration (2016) from the University of Liverpool and an MA in Applied Statistics from Birzeit University (2013). Dr. Awad has a number of published research papers on: sustainable development, gender issues, labor market, the Palestinian economic situation, good governance, data dissemination, and management of statistical institutions under crises.