Misyef Jamil

Researcher at the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS) since July 2015- present. Before that, he served at the Ministry of Finance (MoF) as the Assistant to the Director General of Customs and Excise (2010- July 2015); UNCTAD Coordinator (2007–2010) responsible for managing the activities of the UNCTAD projects in Palestine; mainly automated customs and data management for MoF; Palestinian Shippers Council project (PSC); Palestinian Investment Promotion project (PIPA); Ministry of Economy WTO project. He also served as the ASYCUDA Customs Project Manager (2001-2007). He also worked as Deputy Director for Economic Planning and Information Analysis, MoF (1997-2001).
His research interests include Palestinian economic policy; customs and tax systems; labor market; trade regimes
Holds a Master degree of Economics from Al-Quds University, 2000 and a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Bir Zeit University, 1994.