Yusif Sayigh Development Lecture
Since 2009, the Palestinian Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS) has been holding the Youssef Sayegh development lecture, presented by a group of economists from European, Asian and American universities, in front of a group of specialists and those interested in economics. Each year, the Institute focuses on an important topic related to the Palestinian economic situation. This lecture comes in commemoration of Professor Youssef Abdullah Sayegh (1916-2004) and his pioneering role in the development studies and development of the Palestinian economy.
nov 2010
2010 Lecture: Post-Oslo State Building Strategies and their Limitations SYNOPSIS
author: Prof. Mushtaq Khan
year: 2010
nov 2009
2009 Lecture: Development Strategy Lessons from the Global Economic Crisis SYNOPSIS
author: Mr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram
year: 2009