Economics Bulletin
Since the beginning of the 7 October war, MAS has closely followed its unprecedented economic and social impacts and implications. MAS published ten Briefs on those issues as Israeli attacks and restrictions have encompassed all of the occupied Palestinian territory with devastating human, material and economic costs. Since November, MAS also began to issue its monthly economic news bulletin under the rubric of Palestine Economic Update to fill a gap at a critical moment in the regular and reliable documentation of key developments in the Palestinian economy.
We are pleased to launch the Update with this January 2024 Issue, which we hope to continue making available throughout the year. We are dedicated to ensuring that credible information on the Palestinian economy, verified and analyzed by independent Palestinian scientific research, is available to the global research, media and concerned public. Unlike other MAS research, the Update does not aim to provide policy analysis or recommendations, but to serve as a trusted source for the range of its readership. For the moment the Update will only be published in English, though resources permitting we hope to make it available later this year in Arabic or other languages.